Management software and AI for the Manufacturing industry

Management software developed to meet the specific needs of players in the manufacturing industry.
Production optimisation, up to 30% increase in output
Simplified traceability up to 40% more efficient
Quality control , 25% reduction in defects
Predictive Maintenance up to 35% reduction in downtime
Production optimisation

Thanks to our suite of advanced functions, we can help you optimise your production, reducing costs and increasing efficiency by up to 30%.

Improved traceability

Our product and batch tracking system guarantees complete traceability, offering up to 40% efficiency gains in your tracking and stock management processes.

Precise Data Acquisition

By collecting and analysing data from each PLC, we improve the accuracy of your decision-making process by up to 20%, ensuring greater responsiveness and better planning.

Predictive Maintenance

Our predictive maintenance solution uses advanced data analysis to anticipate breakdowns and reduce unscheduled downtime by up to 35%, optimising the availability of your equipment.

Advanced quality control

Thanks to our advanced quality control software, you can reduce production defects by up to 25%, ensuring consistent, reliable product quality.

Integrated Resource Management

Our platform enables holistic resource management, reducing waste by up to 30% and optimising the use of raw materials, labour and equipment, all contributing to greater profitability.

Our made-to-measure creations

One Network Three

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Creation of customised production management software for the manufacturing industry

How can you improve the efficiency of production management in the manufacturing industry by automating order tracking, stock management and resource planning processes?
Data Centralisation: Integration of all production, order and stock information on a single platform for simplified management and real-time access to crucial data.
Process automation: Implementation of automated functions for order tracking, stock management and resource planning, reducing manual administrative tasks and minimising the risk of errors.
Real-time tracking:Development of real-time tracking tools to monitor stock levels, order status and production performance, enabling rapid, informed decision-making.
Advanced planning:Creation of advanced planning tools enabling managers to view and manage production schedules effectively, taking into account production capacity and delivery times.
Improved operational efficiency: 50% reduction in the time spent managing stocks and orders thanks to automated processes.
Reduced errors: 40% reduction in errors associated with manual stock and order management, ensuring greater precision in resource management.
Increased productivity: 35% increase in the productivity of production teams by reducing repetitive administrative tasks and optimising the use of resources.
Resource optimisation: 45% improvement in resource planning, enabling more efficient use of production capacity and better management of delivery times.

Creation of bespoke ERP software internal management software Tellos Group

How can Tellos optimise its human resources management by simplifying and automating its holiday planning processes through the implementation of dedicated software?
Centralisation of data: integration of all employee holiday information into a single platform for simplified management and easy access to data.
Automated functions for requesting, approving and monitoring leave, reducing manual administrative tasks and the risk of errors.
Creation of a leave tracking system and individual employee files for efficient management of leave history and remaining entitlements.
Development of advanced planning tools enabling managers to view and manage leave schedules efficiently, taking into account the team's availability and needs.
- 60% reduction in time spent on holiday management thanks to automated processes.
-50% fewer errors associated with manual holiday management, which contributes to more accurate monitoring of holiday entitlements and balances.
Increased HR team productivity by over 30% by reducing repetitive administrative tasks and freeing up time for higher added-value activities.

Gantrex: Artificial Intelligence solution for the rail industry

Gantrex: AI analysis and detection of rail anomalies

Comment améliorer la maintenance des rails chez Gantrex en utilisant des outils d’intelligence artificielle pour détecter et anticiper les anomalies, tout en optimisant les ressources et en réduisant les temps d’immobilisation ?

Development and deployment of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms for real-time analysis of rail conditions, enabling early detection of irregularities.
Implementation of machine learning models to predict rail maintenance requirements based on historical and real-time data, enabling proactive planning of interventions.
Using advanced data analysis techniques to extract relevant insights from collected data, facilitating informed maintenance decisions.
Implementation of an automatic report-generating system providing detailed information on the state of the rails and the action required in real time, enabling rapid response
- 40% reduction in train downtime thanks to early detection and anticipation of maintenance needs.
-30% reduction in maintenance costs thanks to proactive scheduling and more efficient use of maintenance teams.
- 50% reduction in the risk of accidents due to rail defects, thanks to early detection and rapid intervention.
Improved rail availability of over 20% thanks to preventive maintenance based on accurate predictions, enabling more efficient use of rail infrastructure.

IDETA energy forecasting system using Artificial Intelligence

How can the energy management of neighbourhoods in Wallonia be improved by using data analysis and artificial intelligence solutions to accurately forecast energy consumption needs and encourage more efficient consumption?
Setting up an intelligent energy management platform to collect, analyse and interpret neighbourhood energy consumption data.
Use of advanced analysis tools to examine in detail the energy consumption habits of residents and businesses in the neighbourhoods.
Processing of massive energy consumption data using sophisticated algorithms to identify trends, anomalies and influencing factors.
Development of predictive models based on artificial intelligence to anticipate the energy consumption needs of neighbourhoods at different times of the year.
More than 15% reduction in overall energy consumption in neighbourhoods thanks to more efficient management and targeted interventions based on predictions.
- 20% reduction in energy costs for residents and businesses thanks to more judicious consumption and appropriate tariffs.