
Tellos, a major player in the development and management of network and industrial infrastructures, sought to optimize the internal management of its human resources.

Our Mission:

Create a custom software solution to centralize and streamline human resources management.


  1. Data Centralization: Need to aggregate and centralize information related to human resources for more efficient management.
  2. Process Automation: Goal to automate administrative tasks to free up time for higher-value activities.


We developed a customized software solution that integrates modules for employee records management, schedule planning, leave management, and employee training, all within a centralized system.


  1. Employee Records Management: Creation of a central database to store and organize information related to each employee.
  2. Process Automation: Integration of automated tools for schedule planning, leave management, and training tracking.
  3. Intuitive Dashboard: Creation of a user-friendly interface to facilitate navigation and access to relevant information.

