Fondation René Cassin -Institut international des droits de l’homme

The René Cassin Foundation – International Institute of Human Rights sought to modernize its online presence and make its resources more accessible.


Our mission: to design and deploy a new optimized website on WordPress.


  1. Accessibility and Clarity: Need to make legal resources and information more accessible to the public and researchers.
  2. Multilingual Adaptability: Goal to offer a multilingual experience to reach an international audience.


We developed a new WordPress website featuring a clear architecture, intuitive navigation, and multilingual integration to meet the specific needs of the René Cassin Foundation.


  1. Content Structuring: Logical organization of content to facilitate visitors’ search and understanding.
  2. Responsive Design: Created a responsive design to ensure an optimal experience on all devices.
  3. Multilingual Integration: Used WordPress plugins for content translation, making resources available in multiple languages.


  1. Improved Accessibility: The new site offers more intuitive navigation, allowing visitors to find the information they are looking for more easily.
  2. International Visibility: Multilingual integration expanded the René Cassin Foundation’s reach, attracting a broader audience.
  3. Simplified Management: The Foundation can now update and manage its content independently thanks to WordPress’s user-friendly interface.

