+256 SMEs

have completed their digital transformation with us.

Digitalisation for SMEs with our customised digitalisation solutions. By integrating high-performance digital tools, you can pave the way for rapid growth and greater efficiency.

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+125 Digitalization of Mid-Sized Companies

125 Mid-Sized Companies Propelled into the Future of Digital.

Digitalization for Mid-Sized Companies. With solutions tailored to the size of your business, you can enhance competitiveness, collaboration, and efficiency.

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+98 LA

Over 98 large enterprises reinvented.

Seeking operational excellence for your Large Enterprise? Digitalization is the key to staying competitive in an ever-changing world.

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Our values

Respect & Integrity

At ITDM Group, we cultivate an environment of mutual respect and uncompromising integrity. Each project is an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to these fundamental principles.


Our pursuit of excellence is a priority at ITDM Group. We are committed to delivering quality results, ensuring that each solution exceeds your expectations for superior performance and quality.


Innovation is the energy that fuels ITDM Group. We anticipate technological trends and create solutions that meet your objectives.

What are the Benefits of Digitalisation in 2024?

Digitalization: when dreams become reality. Come with ideas, leave with projects; together, we turn vision into action and shape the future with innovation and determination.

Increase your sales by an average of 20%

Don't delay in making the digital shift. Investing in the digitalization of your business is an investment in growing your sales, improving your operational efficiency, and strengthening your competitive position. Choose innovation, transform your business, and reap the rewards of a relevant digital presence.

Improve your visibility by 65% on search engines

A tailor-made digitalization plan takes into account the specifics of your business, your goals, and your target audience. By using the right tools and following best practices, you can maximize your online impact. Investing in a digital strategy that fits your needs is an essential step towards increasing your visibility and boosting your business growth.

Gain 4 hours in your day

Imagine freeing up to 4 hours of productivity each day within your company. This is a tangible reality thanks to a customized digitalization process. By integrating the best tools suited to your specific needs, you optimize your operations and boost the efficiency of every team member.

Automate 35% of your daily tasks

Transform every working minute into a peak of productivity. Digital tools automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your creative mind and time for what truly matters. This is efficiency reinvented, where less effort produces more results.

Make decisions faster

Make decisions not on intuitions, but on concrete data. Digitalization offers you unprecedented clarity on your operations and market, allowing you to navigate with confidence in today's complex business landscape. This is the key to winning strategies and sustained growth.

+ 57% increase in agility

Adopting Agility in a company goes well beyond IT. This approach allows for rapid adaptation to market changes, strengthens internal collaboration, minimizes risks, and improves customer satisfaction. Agility is no longer reserved for IT; it is now imperative for any company aspiring to excel in its market.

Help finance your digitisation

Financing your digitalization can be simplified through various government aids and grant programs. Explore the opportunities available locally and regionally to alleviate the costs associated with your digital transition. Take advantage of these aids to optimize your processes and strengthen your competitiveness in the digital market. Contact us to learn more about the aids in your region.

Develop your CSR policy

Digitalization and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) go hand in hand in shaping the future of businesses. By adopting digital technologies, companies can improve their operational efficiency while making a positive contribution to society and the environment. Transparency, responsible resource management, and facilitated collaboration are among the benefits that digitalization brings to CSR.

+ 59% increase in employee performance

Digitalization plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of employees. By facilitating remote work, it offers flexibility that allows everyone to better balance professional and personal life. Digital tools simplify processes, reducing the stress associated with administrative tasks and allowing for optimal focus on more creative and meaningful aspects of work.

Promote your company

Did you know that 70% of online businesses fail due to poor website usability? Having a website is no longer enough in 2024; it must be optimized to best showcase your business.

Develop your business

Free up time for innovation and the development of new services by integrating digitalization solutions. By automating repetitive tasks, you optimize operational efficiency, thereby giving your team the latitude needed to focus on creativity, innovation, and the design of innovative services. Digitalization offers a powerful lever to stimulate your business's growth by freeing up precious resources and paving the way for new opportunities. Don't just manage time, free it to shape the future of your business.

Your Digitalisation in 2024

Un accompagnement sur mesure Du Concept à la Réalisation

01 Analysis and Consultancy

We take the time to understand your needs and objectives. This is to evaluate existing systems for a tailored strategy.

02 Strategic Planning

We develop a personalized digitalization strategy aligned with your goals. We plan the implementation, including the selection of necessary technologies and platforms.

03 Design and Development

We create custom digital solutions, such as websites, mobile applications, and ERP systems.

04 Implementation and Integration

We deploy the developed digital solutions. We integrate these solutions with your existing systems for a smooth digital transition.

05 Training and Support

Train your teams in the use of new digital technologies with our support. Our customer service is highly responsive to ensure successful adoption and resolve any technical issues.

06 Optimisation and monitoring

We analyze the performance of the implemented solutions using established KPIs. We make adjustments to optimize performance and achieve the set objectives.

07 Assessment and Continuous Improvement

Regularly reassess digitalization strategies to ensure they respond to market developments and changing customer needs.

Listening, consistency, flexibility, constructive proposals in line with our needs, creativity and proactivity.

Be WaPP ,

Website and web application design

The team was able to create a warm environment thanks to their strong commitment to sharing and the human side of the structure. Their attentive listening really made the difference, meeting my needs perfectly. Highly recommend!

Services Acro Alsace,

Website and Blog creation

Agency that listens, is honest, responsive and professional.

Domaine Gueth,

Digital Marketing Strategy

Good listening, communication and support during our project

Freight Solutions,

Web Application

I have already been able to call on the services of Mme et Ms Agency as part of the development of my clients' international sales strategy. Either for a tailor-made website, or to improve an e-commerce site with the steps to follow to increase its visibility and accessibility for prospects and potential customers. ITDM group has shown itself to be very serious, attentive and rigorous in meeting the needs of my customers, and I know I can rely on them when it comes to digital issues.

Isabelle Roy Consulting,

Data Consulting

Very attentive to my requests and very responsive, and always with a smile - a big plus.

Erhard Joaillerie Aux Alizes,

Web analytics / Big Data

Speed and quality of work

Camille Perret Psychomotricienne,

Logo design

Teams Mme et Mr Agency provided me with a site that met my expectations and my budget. I highly recommend them!

Farid Giry - Giry Luxury,

Website creation

I enjoyed working with the Mme&Mr team (by ITDM Group) on the creation of my WordPress website. They're young and dynamic and they were able to listen, respond to my needs and be reactive. We were able to work upstream (in the mock-up of our site, the objectives to be achieved, etc.) with the aim of setting up our future digital strategy. I highly recommend them.

Chloé Jourdain - Clé de Vie,

Website creation

They trust us

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