La tribu de Fanny

La Tribu de FANNY, a blog dedicated to Fanny and her tribe’s world tour in 2024, sought to create a unique online platform to share their adventures.


Develop a custom website, design an attractive visual identity, and create a distinctive logo for the blog.


  1. Multifunctional Platform: Need for a website that allows for sharing articles about visited destinations while offering an immersive visual experience.
  2. Unique Visual Identity: Goal to create a distinctive graphic identity that reflects the blog’s personality and attracts visitors.


We developed a custom website, created a coherent visual identity, and designed a distinctive logo for La Tribu de FANNY.


  1. Custom Website: Created an interactive website allowing La Tribu de FANNY to dynamically share articles, photos, and travel stories.
  2. Attractive Visual Identity: Developed a cohesive color palette, fonts, and visuals to strengthen the blog’s visual identity.
  3. Unique Logo: Designed a distinctive logo that represents the adventurous spirit of La Tribu de FANNY.


  1. Immersive Experience: The website offers an interactive platform for readers to follow La Tribu de FANNY’s adventures in an engaging way.
  2. Strong Visual Identity: The coherent graphic identity enhances brand recognition and creates an emotional connection with readers.
  3. Memorable Logo: The distinctive logo is easily recognizable, contributing to the blog’s memorable image.

