
Climotec, a company specializing in the creation of electrical, home automation, and thermal installations, maintenance and creation of refrigeration systems, as well as the implementation of ventilation systems, sought to establish an online presence to increase its visibility.


Our mission: to design and develop a website that showcases Climotec’s services in a clear and effective manner.


  1. Concise Presentation of Services: Create a web platform that highlights the diversity of services offered by Climotec in a clear and succinct manner.
  2. Effective Contact Form: Integrate an efficient contact form to facilitate communication with potential clients.


We created a one-page website for Climotec, anchored in the menu, highlighting key services, and including a tailored contact form and calls to action (CTAs).


  1. One-Page Structure: The single page design allows for smooth navigation and a linear presentation of services, avoiding unnecessary complexity.
  2. Menu Anchoring: Important sections are accessible with one click through menu anchoring, facilitating navigation.
  3. Optimized Contact Form: The contact form is designed to effectively gather the necessary information to respond to inquiries.


  1. Improved Visibility: The website provides a clear and concise online showcase of Climotec’s services, increasing the company’s visibility.
  2. Facilitated Contact: The optimized contact form has simplified the process for potential clients, encouraging communication.
  3. Effective Calls to Action: The implementation of CTAs encourages visitors to interact actively with the site, thus increasing conversion opportunities.

